We would like to request that the Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma guidelines include circulating tumor DNA minimal residual disease (ctDNA-MRD) assessment using the Foresight CLARITYTM MRD test, based on PhasED-Seq technology.
Specifically, we request the addition of ctDNA-MRD assessment using Foresight’s MRD test during end-of-treatment response and follow-up as part of the CR pathway.
- BCEL-4, 5 CR Pathway: Consider ctDNA-MRD assessment during END-OF-TREATMENT RESPONSE.
- BCEL-6 CR Pathway: In addition to Observation or ISRT, include consideration of ctDNA-MRD assessment during END-OF-TREATMENT RESPONSE
- BCEL-4, 5, 6 CR Pathway: In addition to Clinical and Imaging follow-up, include Molecular follow-up with ctDNA-MRD assessment during FOLLOW-UP.
- BCEL-4, 5,6: Include an additional footnote specifying that if ctDNA-MRD positive, consider clinical trial or additional short interval surveillance with ctDNA-MRD and/or PET-CT or CT scan. If ctDNA-MRD negative, follow CR pathway.