In light of the requested inclusion of circulating tumor DNA minimal residual disease (ctDNA-MRD) assessment using the Foresight CLARITYTM MRD test in the Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma guidelines, we also request inclusion of ctDNA-MRD assessment in the BCEL guidelines. We believe this would be appropriate in the listing of prognostic tools in BCEL-A or as a new page describing response definitions using ctDNA-MRD assessment, similar to the existing Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia/Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma 3.2024 guidelines (CLL-E, page 2 of 2).
Specifically, we request that the guidelines describe that evidence shows that:
- Cell-free DNA MRD is superior to cellular MRD for LBCL
- ctDNA-MRD assessment using Foresight CLARITY has demonstrated prognostic performance superior to PET-CT at a LOD95 of 1e-6, and increased analytical sensitivity leads to better clinical performance of MRD in LBCL
- Foresight’s MRD test with a high-level description that ctDNA-MRD negative is associated with low risk of recurrence and that ctDNA-MRD positive is associated with a high risk of recurrence regardless of PET-CT result. In the case of discordant ctDNA-MRD and PET results, short interval surveillance is appropriate to increase monitoring given the increased risk of disease.
In addition, we request that this inclusion be specific to Foresight’s MRD test based on the evidence available.