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NCCN Flash Updates: NCCN Guidelines Updated for Myeloid/Lymphoid Neoplasms with Eosinophilia and Tyrosine Kinase Gene Fusions

NCCN has published updates to the NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology (NCCN Guidelines®) for Myeloid/Lymphoid Neoplasms with Eosinophilia and Tyrosine Kinase Gene Fusions. These NCCN Guidelines® are currently available as Version 1.2025.

Link directly to the Updates section of the NCCN Guidelines: Myeloid/Lymphoid Neoplasms with Eosinophilia and Tyrosine Kinase Gene Fusions


Myeloid/Lymphoid Neoplasms with Eosinophilia and PDGFRB Rearrangement:

  • Clinical presentations associated with this entity are: CMML, atypical chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), MDS/MPN -unclassifiable....



  • Deleted: Swerdlow SH, Campo E, Harris NL. et al. World Health Organization (WHO) Classification of Tumours of Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues. Revised 4th ed. Lyon, France: IARC Press; 2017.
  • New: WHO Classification of Tumours Editorial Board. Haematolymphoid tumours [Internet]. Lyon (France): International Agency for Research on Cancer; 2024 [cited 2024 November 15]. (WHO classification of tumours series, 5th ed.; vol. 11). Available from: https://tumourclassification.iarc.who.int/chapters/63.


  • Column 2, 3rd bullet, modified: Immunohistochemistry (IHC) for tryptase/CD117/CD25/CD30 and/or flow cytometry for CD117/CD25/CD30/CD2
    and molecular testing for KIT D816V (Also for MLNE-2 under General Diagnostic Studies and Evaluation of Target Organ Involvement).


  • k, modified: Consultation with specialized referral services is recommended for the management of relevant target end-organ damage. In certain circumstances, urgent treatment including the use of high dose corticosteroids may be indicated to mitigate organ damage.


  • Column 4, bullet 4, modified: If resistance mutation found, consider TKI with potential activity or refer for clinical trial.


  • p, new: In some cases, the diagnostic testing may not reveal the PDGFRA rearrangement. Imatinib may be considered for patients with a clinical picture consistent with this diagnostic group.



  • v, new: In some cases, the diagnostic testing may not reveal the PDGFRB rearrangement. Imatinib may be considered for patients with a clinical picture consistent with this diagnostic group.


  • Under Treatment Options
    • Quizartinib is new for TKI with activity against FLT3, as an other recommended regimen.


  • Bullet 4, modified:  NGS can be used to identify novel gene fusion or cryptic rearrangements NGS, RNA fusion panel, and/or comparative genomic hybridization can be used to identify novel gene fusion or gene fusion events that may not be detectable with other methods....


For the complete updated versions of the NCCN Guidelines, NCCN Guidelines with NCCN Evidence Blocks™, the NCCN Drugs & Biologics Compendium (NCCN Compendium®), the NCCN Biomarkers Compendium®, the NCCN Chemotherapy Order Templates (NCCN Templates®), the NCCN Radiation Therapy Compendium™, and the NCCN Imaging Appropriate Use Criteria (NCCN Imaging AUC™), please visit NCCN.org.

To view the NCCN Guidelines for Patients®, please visit NCCN.org/patientguidelines.

Free NCCN Guidelines apps for iPhone, iPad, and Android devices are now available! Visit NCCN.org/apps.

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