68 search results for lung cancer

Clinical Trials

in advanced refractory gastric cancer patients Gynecological Cancers Siqing Fu MD PhD, Microsatellite Stable Endometrial Carcinoma Head and Neck Cancers Aarti Bhatia, MD, MPH Yale Cancer, for AML Relapse after Allogenic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation Lung Cancer Yasir Elamin, MD, Select a cancer below for additional information on ORP active trials at NCCN Member Institutions. Gastrointestinal Scott Plotkin, MD Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women’s Cancer Center | Massachusetts


NCCN's Response to S.689/H.1074 An Act Relative to Patient Access to Biomarker Testing to Provide Appropriate Therapy

-Concordant Treatment for Lung Cancer in the United States. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2020 Feb;l7(2):186-194,  National Comprehensive Cancer Network "' April 25, 2023 Robert W. Carlson, MD Chief, appropriate therapy Dear Chair Feeney and Chair Murphy: The National Comprehensive Cancer Network, , and accessible cancer care. NCCN will focus our supportive comments on the impo1tance, r i g h a m a n d W o m e n ' s C a n c e r Center I Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center


ORP Grant History

lung cancer AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, LP – quality improvement/ projects in ovarian cancer AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, LP – quality improvement/ projects in small cell lung cancer AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, LP – quality improvement/ projects in early stage non-small cell lung cancer AVEO, of combination therapies with afatinib in lung cancer Bristol-Myers Squibb Company and ImClone, of carboplatin, pemetrexed, and bevaciumab, with or without atezolizumab, in lung cancer


Harmonized Guidelines

5.2022 Biliary Tract Cancers Version 3.2023 Bladder Cancer Version 1.2023, Cancers Version 2.2022 Cervical Cancer Version 1.2023 Chronic Lymphocytic, Colon Cancer Version 2.2022 Esophageal and Esophagogastric Junction Cancers Version, and Adrenal Tumors Version 1.2022 Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Version 4.2024 Occult, Pediatric Central Nervous System Cancers Version 2.2023 Penile Cancer Version


Guidelines Panels

Lung Cancer Screening Panel, Panel Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, Small Cell Lung Cancer Panel, Adult Cancer Pain Panel, Bladder/Penile Cancers Panel


Transparency Process

Adult Cancer Pain Panel Version: 2.2024 ( Adult Cancer Pain ) Date: 2024-03-06 Transparency Document Panel Disclosures/Attendance Version: 1.2024 ( Adult Cancer Pain ) Date: 2023-09-28 Transparency Document Panel Disclosures/Attendance Version: 1.2023 ( Adult Cancer Pain, /Penile Cancers Panel Version: 4.2024 ( Bladder ) Date


Resume Screening

Basal Cell Skin Cancer B-Cell Lymphomas Biliary Tract Cancers Bladder Cancer Bone Cancer Breast Cancer Castleman Disease Central Nervous System Cancers Cervical Cancer Chronic Lymphocytic, Protuberans Esophageal and Esophagogastric Junction Cancers Gastric Cancer Gastrointestinal Stromal, Neuroendocrine and Adrenal Tumors Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Occult Primary Ovarian Cancer/Fallopian Tube, Small Bowel Adenocarcinoma Small Cell Lung Cancer Soft Tissue Sarcoma Squamous Cell Skin Cancer


Scientific Publications

PD-L1 companion diagnostic assay study for lung cancer in the context of PD-L1 expression findings, ):e130116.https://doi.org/10.1172/jci.insight.130116 Lung Cancer Auberle C, Gao F, Sloan M, Morgensztern D, in molecularly selected patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer. J Thorac Dis 2024. doi, with Surgically Resected Stage I-III EGR-Mutant Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer. JCO Precision Oncology, cancer. Lung Cancer 134 (2019) 167–173. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lungcan.2019.06.017 Melanoma Nebhan


Guidelines for Patients

Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer - Early and Locally Advanced Version: 2023 Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer - Metastatic, Version: 2024 Small Cell Lung Cancer, Screening Version: 2021 Lung Cancer, patient, breast cancer resources, prostate cancer resources, lung cancer resources, immunotherapy


Young Investigator Awards

Cancers Zachary Frosch, MD, MSHP, Fox Chase Cancer Center Developing Patient-Centered, Institute Intervention Mapping to Improve Lung Cancer Screening Among Black Veterans Ravi, in Patients with Small Cell Lung Cancer Shivan Mehta, MD, MBA, MSHP, Assistant Professor, . News Details The National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN, NCCN Member Institutions represent tomorrow’s leaders for advancing cancer care. The NCCN Oncology


Young Investigator Awards

Cancers Zachary Frosch, MD, MSHP, Fox Chase Cancer Center Developing Patient-Centered Strategies, to Improve Lung Cancer Screening Among Black Veterans Ravi Parikh, MD, MPP, The Abramson Cancer Center, with Small Cell Lung Cancer Shivan Mehta, MD, MBA, MSHP, Assistant Professor of Medicine, University, The National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®) and the NCCN Foundation® each year, ’s leaders for advancing cancer care. The NCCN Oncology Research Program (ORP) manages


Recently Updated Guidelines

of Cancer by Type Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Version 2.2024 Biliary Tract Cancers Version 3.2024 Breast Cancer Version 4.2024 Colon Cancer Version 4.2024, Cancer Version 1.2025 Neuroblastoma Version 2.2024 Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Version 7.2024 Ovarian Cancer/Fallopian Tube Cancer/Primary Peritoneal Cancer Version 3.2024 Pediatric Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Version 6.2024 Rectal Cancer Version


NCCN History

for the treatment of cancer and perform outcomes research – and so the NCCN was born. With 13 original NCCN, to people with cancer across the country. NCCN became a developer and promoter of national programs, , and patient care. Now an alliance of 33 of the leading cancer centers, NCCN develops and communicates, for the treatment of cancer and perform outcomes research 1995 – Bruce R. Ross leads NCCN as Chief, for the following disease types: Acute Leukemia and Breast, Colon, Lung, Ovarian, Pediatric



in China to translate and adapt NCCN Guidelines for Gynecologic Cancers, including cervical Cancer, clinical practice guidelines for the treatment of lung cancer for patients in Vietnam. Moving forward, ) - Guidelines for Treatment of Cancer by Type Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Version 3.2023 (English) Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Version 3.2023 (Vietnamese) Opportunities for Collaboration, Chinese Gynecologic Cancer Society (CGCS): In collaboration with the Chinese Gynecologic Cancer Society


NCCN Guidelines for Patients with Permission Email

Myeloid Leukemia Colon Cancer Esophageal Cancer Head and Neck Cancers: Nasopharyngeal Cancer Oral Cancers Oropharyngeal Cancer Hepatobiliary Cancers: Liver Cancer Gallbladder and Bile Duct Cancers Hodgkin Lymphoma Kidney Cancer Lung Cancer: Early and Locally Advanced Metastatic Malignant, e a a n d Vomiting Cancer Screening Lung Cancer Screening Age-Related Adolescents and Yo u n g, Invasive Metastatic Colon Cancer Kidney Cancer Lung Cancer: Early and Locally Advanced


AC2023 ExhibitGuide_WEB

, and empathy to people impacted by lung cancer and other cancers triggered by specific biomarkers, u r rent focus centers around: Multiple Myeloma and Other Blood Cancers Lung Cancer Prostate, GO2 for Lung Cancer ..................................... A8 Head and Neck Cancer Alliance, of advocacy groups in developing areas with no colorectal cancer organizations. GO2 for Lung Cancer Kiosk #A8 GO2 for Lung Cancer transforms survivorship by working across the entire continuum of care


PAS Policy Report Precision Medicine Final

for the appropriate biomarker tests. Lung and other cancers require significant surgical intervention, and Implications for Quality, Accessible, and Equitable Cancer Care In recent years, targeted medicines have offered dramatic advancements in cancer care outcomes across a wide variety of cancer types. However, as cancer care becomes increasingly personalized, access to biomarker testing and targeted, , the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN ® ) conducted a patient advocacy scan


Submission Request Form

Lymphomas - 2.2024 Biliary Tract Cancers - 3.2024 Bladder Cancer - 4.2024 Bone Cancer - 2.2024, Cancer-Related Fatigue - 2.2024 Castleman Disease - 1.2024 Central Nervous System Cancers, Junction Cancers - 3.2024 Gastric Cancer - 2.2024 Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors - 1.2024 Genetic, Neoplasms - 2.2024 Hodgkin Lymphoma - 3.2024 Kaposi Sarcoma - 1.2024 Kidney Cancer - 1.2025 Lung, Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer - 7.2024 Occult Primary - 2.2024 Older Adult Oncology - 1.2024 Ovarian


Guidelines for Patients

Lung Cancer Screening Version: 2023, Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer - Early and Locally Advanced Version: 2023 Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer - Metastatic, Small Cell Lung Cancer Version: 2022, : 2024 Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer


Annual Report 2023

for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer 808,760 Downloads NCCN Guidelines for Prostate Cancer 651,712 Downloads, cancers, including cervical cancer, ovarian/fallopian tube/primary peritoneal cancers and uterine, to create a pilot version of NCCN Harmonized Guidelines™ for Vietnam: Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, , and prostate cancers; management of adult cancer pain; and ovarian/fallopian tube/primary peritoneal cancers, of cancers • Outlines a rational approach for building cancer management systems based

20 of 68 results