Permission to Cite or Use NCCN Content FAQs

If you have any questions regarding permission to use NCCN Content or are interested in purchasing an annual license, please e-mail [email protected].

 Requesting Permission

  1. How do I access the Permissions Request Form?
    Please log in to, or create an account if you do not already have one. After logging in, go to if you are not automatically directed back to this page. The Permissions Request Form will appear at the bottom of the page with your contact information pre-filled into the form.


  2. Do I need to include my materials when submitting the Permission Request Form?
    Yes. Please do not submit a request for materials review without uploading your materials to the Permissions Request Form. If we receive a request without any materials attached, we will ask that you please submit a new Permissions Request Form, and the original request will be voided.


  3. I cited a version of the NCCN Guidelines that was updated after our Permission Request was approved. Do I need to submit my materials again for NCCN Review?
    Yes. The approved materials should be updated with the current Guidelines version number and submitted again. If the content of the materials was impacted by the Guidelines update, it should be revised to reflect the current content of the Guidelines. All changes to the previously approved materials should be explicitly called out in the updated submission.


  4. If the algorithm stays the same in a specific guideline, but the guideline version updates, do we need to update our materials to reference the latest version, even if no other changes occurred?
    Yes, materials are required to reference the latest NCCN Guideline version.


  5. When referencing similar NCCN Content across different materials, should consistent language be used throughout all materials?
    Yes. It is strongly recommended that consistent language regarding NCCN recommendations be used across similar materials, when possible. See NCCN Referencing Guidance for important information on how to properly reference NCCN Guidelines content.


  6. If we have one slide that references NCCN Guidelines and it's already been reviewed and permissions granted, are we allowed to use that same exact slide in another slide deck without resubmitting for review?
    No, please submit all slides with NCCN Content for review so that NCCN can ensure clinical accuracy and correct trademarking.


  7. Do I need to submit a separate Permission Requests for each of the two types of materials citing the same Guidelines in the same way?
    No. If you have different materials citing the same Guidelines in the same way, you can put them all in one Permissions Request for review at the same time.


  8. If a presentation has been approved by NCCN but our client changes content not related to NCCN (e.g., slides that do not include any NCCN Content), does the presentation need to be resubmitted to NCCN for re-review/approval?
    No, the updated slide deck does not need to be resubmitted if the text referencing NCCN Content remains the same and was not impacted by the update.


  9. If we reference NCCN Guidelines on one slide within an entire slide deck, do we need to submit the full deck for review, or just the one slide?
    No, you do not have to submit the full deck. Please submit all of the slides containing NCCN Content. On all pages referencing NCCN Content, please highlight and/or box the NCCN Content to be reviewed. Please note: NCCN does not review any content which your organization does not identify as containing an NCCN citation and NCCN does not verify the accuracy of any additional content throughout the remainder of the material(s).


  10. If we are creating a video (with NCCN referenced) and send the outline to NCCN for review and feedback, but then we route internally, we may have some additional edits per internal feedback. Do we need to resubmit for NCCN review again if the video outline is updated, but not in the sections where NCCN is referenced?
    No, but please ensure that NCCN Content stays the same.


  11. Is a permissions request needed for internal training pieces?
    No, NCCN does not need to review internal pieces. Please make sure that any internal piece referencing NCCN Content is not shared externally.


  12. At what level of the draft document stage should we request NCCN permission? Does it need to be a final draft or would an earlier draft be acceptable?
    Please only submit final drafts to NCCN for review.


  13. If we use the same previously approved NCCN recommendation banner, do we need to have the banner re-reviewed for every material we put it on? If so, should we make note that this banner is already approved by NCCN?
    Yes, please submit all materials in which the banner is being used as we will review it each time for clinical accuracy and correct trademarking.  Please do include the previously approved Permissions Request Number for reference.


  14. Can we submit updated materials by replying to the original email thread in which the materials were previously approved, or should we submit a new Permissions Request Form for the updated materials?
    You may continue to submit your material(s) under the original email thread in which the materials were previously approved if you are submitting minor updates to the content and you have a current Commercial Licensing agreement in place. For significant content changes, please submit a new request via the Permissions Request Form.


  15. Do we need NCCN permission for poster presentations at conferences?
    Commercial entities should submit a Permissions Request Form for poster presentations. Non-commercial entities are not required to obtain permission from NCCN if the poster is only using basic referencing of NCCN Content (no reproductions or adaptations of NCCN Content).


  16. Is permission needed for one broad statement such as "National guidelines recommend MMR biomarker testing for colorectal cancer" that is supported by multiple different guideline organizations?
    If materials are being used for commercial purposes, permission is required. However, basic referencing of NCCN Content (no reproductions or adaptations of NCCN Content) in academic publications (e.g., journal articles, conference abstracts, textbooks) for non-commercial purposes does not require written permission from NCCN.


  17. Does a press release mentioning an NCCN Guidelines update with your product need to go through the permissions process?
    NCCN neither reviews nor approves external press releases announcing the inclusion of tests, agents, and/or therapies listed within the NCCN Guidelines. It is the responsibility of the company issuing the release to exercise due diligence and ensure accuracy in both content and attribution. Please adhere to the following guidance on how to reference NCCN Content in a press release.


  18. I am developing materials in preparation for an anticipated drug approval or new FDA indication. Can I send my materials to NCCN for review prior to the approval?
    We do not approve materials in anticipation of potential inclusion in the NCCN Guidelines. All materials submitted must reflect NCCN recommendations within the currently published NCCN Guidelines.


  19. Does the new confirmation email include all details of the submission form?
    No, the confirmation email includes the Request Number, but does not include the form details.  However, the form details are included in email communications you will receive from an NCCN team member regarding your request. 


  20. How is NCCN addressing organizations moving towards slide libraries where customized decks can be created? (meaning we will not have specific slide "decks" to submit for permissions).  This is common practice with organizations using Veeva CLM and/or Pitcher.
    Please submit each slide deck to NCCN for review to ensure clinical accuracy and correct trademarking in the context of the slide deck as a whole.


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  1. When referencing a slide that contains a list of treatment options or a treatment algorithm, do all superscripts/footnotes need to be included? If the footnotes are references or instructions to refer to another page of the same guideline, are these types of footnotes still required?

    The addition of the types of footnotes noted above is allowed but not required.  Please include footnotes that provide important clinical information, such as the patient population to which the recommendation applies. When footnotes are included, the NCCN clinical team will review them to determine if they are accurate.

  2. Do the descriptions of the NCCN Categories of Evidence and Consensus need to be included in the materials, or is a footnote referring to the guidelines for description of these categories sufficient?
    It is not necessary to include the descriptions of NCCN Categories of Evidence and Consensus and NCCN Preference when the statement references the NCCN Guidelines in which these descriptions are included. However, the definitions can be included as a footnote, if appropriate.


  3. Do you have preferred wording for what "Category 1" means to be used as a footer?
    It is not required to include the definition of Category 1 (or other NCCN Categories of Evidence and Consensus) when the statement references the NCCN Guidelines in which these descriptions are included. However, if you choose to include it, please refer to the definitions provided in the NCCN Guidelines. 


  4. Is the accessed date to be within a specific timeframe? The last 3 months? The last 2 weeks?
    There is not a specific timeframe required for an access date. The accessed date should be the date you accessed the guidelines. You may also use the published date of the guideline.


  5. As the phrase “standard of care” is not allowed when referring to NCCN Guidelines, what is the recommended alternative wording?
    "Treatment options" is the recommended wording. 


  6. Is “NCCN Guidelines Recommendations” wording required instead of “NCCN Recommendations”?
    It depends on the trademarking used and where it is in the draft. If the is mention is for “National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®),” please use “NCCN Recommendations”. However, if the mention is for “NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology (NCCN Guidelines®),” please use “NCCN Guidelines Recommendations”.


  7. What is the NCCN's guidance on companies including a copy of a product's PI on a particular brochure/asset to meet a requirement? Will this be viewed as product promotion and receive a rejection?
    It is acceptable to include a copy of the product’s PI on the piece. NCCN will only review NCCN Content within the piece and not the PI content.


  8. Are trademarking guidelines per page or per piece? For example, if NCCN is mentioned once on page 1, and again on page 2, is the mention on page 2 considered the first or second mention?
    The mention on page 2 would be considered the second mention. Trademarking guidelines apply to the entire piece as whole. The only exception is for websites (see below).


  9. On large multi-page websites that cite multiple instances of different NCCN Guidelines, how should we navigate the NCCN trademarking guidelines regarding the order of citations (i.e., per page or for the website as a whole)? Do we need to resubmit the entire site every time we update each page?
    Trademarking guidelines are per page for websites. The entire site does not need to be submitted, only the pages that were updated should be submitted.


  10. Should we refrain from directly quoting statements from the NCCN Guidelines?
    Direct quotes/statements from the guidelines are okay as long as they are noted as such. Please add a clear citation to NCCN Guidelines.


  11. How should we reference the Biomarkers Compendium?
    The NCCN Biomarkers Compendium® © 2022 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc. Available at: Accessed [Month and Day, Year]. To view the most recent and complete version of the NCCN Biomarkers Compendium®, go online to



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Journal Articles

  1. Do we need to request permission for citation of NCCN Guidelines in a peer-review article (where medical writing support is sponsored by a pharma company), even if the statement is very generic (e.g. "International guidelines on [therapy area] management have been published”)?
    Yes, if the article is commercially sponsored, NCCN permission is required.


  2. When is a peer-reviewed manuscript that references NCCN Guidelines considered a commercial piece versus non-commercial?
    NCCN considers the journal, the extent to which NCCN Content is cited and/or reproduced, and the disclosures at the end of the article concerning financial support from industry when determining whether or not an academic article is commercially sponsored.


  3. Is there a fee for citing NCCN in a commercially supported peer-reviewed manuscript?
    If the manuscript is commercially sponsored (see response above), a fee will incur.


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Clinical Review/Feedback

  1. If we receive conflicting comments between submissions to NCCN, how should we handle/reconcile the conflicting comments?
    We are working to standardize our process to prevent this from occurring. However, if conflicting comments are received, please let us know by replying to the most recent email regarding the request, and we will address it as quickly as possible.


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  1. How are the fees determined for individual permissions?
    There is generally no fee to obtain permission to use or cite NCCN Content for non-commercial purposes. For commercial purposes, fees are determined based on the number of anticipated viewers or copies, the number of NCCN Guidelines (or other NCCN Content) that are referenced, and whether or not the request is for a one-time project license or an annual license.


  2. If we are simply including the NCCN URL or a QR code in a brochure, is there a fee?
    There is no fee for including the link to our home page, If a commercial entity would like to link to the Guidelines table of contents page or to a specific Guideline directly, a fee will incur.


  3. Where can we find the standard pricing for single use-cases and for annual agreements?
    The standard pricing is not posted publicly. Please submit your materials through the Permissions Request Form for specific pricing. Please note a project license is granted for a single use case for one year (for example, one website, one marketing piece, one banner ad, etc.). Annual commercial licenses provide the rights to reference one or more Guidelines for one year for an unlimited number of use cases. An Annual license is financially advantageous if you will cite a specific Guideline in more than 7 or 8 use cases/projects per year.


  4. Which types of materials require a license and which do not?
    All commercially funded materials citing NCCN Content requires a permissions license/agreement. For non-commercial use, basic referencing of NCCN Content in academic publications (e.g., journal articles, conference abstracts, textbooks) does not require a permissions license or review by NCCN. However, permission is required for the reproduction or adaptation of NCCN algorithms, tables, figures, or substantial portions of NCCN Guideline Discussion texts. Permission is not required for linking directly to NCCN's homepage,, for non-commercial purposes.


  5. Do the materials need to be fully completed before NCCN can provide a quote/estimate of the cost of an annual commercial license?
    An accurate quote can be provided if the materials are submitted. If not, we may be able to provide a general estimate upon request, depending on the details are provided.


  6. How does the annual unlimited license fee work for a non-profit health system?
    Permission/Licensing fees are only applied when NCCN Content is being used or cited for commercial purposes. There is typically no fee for review of materials for non-commercial use. Please also see question 35.


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Process Timing

  1. If changes are required after initial feedback is received from NCCN (within 10 business days), what is the turnaround time to review the updated piece?
    This varies depending on the number and complexity of revisions required and whether or not the revisions require another review by the clinical team. This typically takes between 3 to 7 business days.


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  1. Are there “consequences” for not having materials reviewed by NCCN?
    Yes, NCCN notifies organizations citing NCCN Content in their materials without permission to immediately cease and desist the unauthorized use. The company must execute a permissions agreement with NCCN, or remove the materials from circulation. NCCN may pursue legal action if the matter is not resolved.


  2. Is there a penalty if outdated recommendations are live in market once a new version is released?
    We understand that organizations may not be able to update materials as quickly as the NCCN Guidelines update. However, we request from companies a good faith effort to update the materials as soon as possible. Materials that are not updated are in violation of the permissions agreement, and are subject to the terms outlined in the executed contract.


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General NCCN Questions

  1. Are NCCN staff available to speak to us via phone if we have questions about the requested changes to a piece?
    Please submit all questions to us via email. If it is determined further discussion is needed, we may be able to accommodate a call is some cases.


  2. Is there any way to set up a meeting with the NCCN staff member reviewing the materials during the submission?
    No, due to our firewall policy, which is designed to protect the NCCN Guidelines development process from external influences, the clinical team cannot have direct contact with requesters regarding any materials under review. All questions can be submitted to the Business Development Permissions Team member (email: [email protected]) and will be forwarded to the clinical team for response, as needed.


  3. Is there a regular annual cadence for releasing newly updated guidelines every year?
    All NCCN Guidelines are updated annually and the dates of the annual meetings for each NCCN Guidelines panel are posted on our website here. More information about the Guidelines update process can be found here.


  4. What is best way to find out when guidelines are updated so we can update our materials accordingly?
    You can subscribe to the NCCN Flash Updates to receive timely notification of when NCCN Guidelines and other NCCN products update.


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If you have any questions regarding permission to use NCCN Content or are interested in purchasing an annual license, please e-mail [email protected].